It all began with a mythos

It all started back in the day when the Vikings where still ruling over the North and asked the Gods for superpowers, which no human being had ever possessed before. The gods agreed, but only under one condition: the vikings had to promise that they will preserve the Nordic nature for eternity. The Northern men accepted and promised to protect the nature forever. And just like that the gods brewed a magic potion out of the best ingredients that nature had to offer, as well as one last ingredient, which only a true viking could add - the Nordic soul. And this is the legend of the Finnish long drink.

If this myth satisfies your curiosity, then you should stop reading now, enjoy your MIN GIN LONG DRINK and rejoice in your superpowers.

The spark of truth

Are you still here? Then we'll tell you the truth: The Finnish long drink was invented in 1952 for the Summer Olympics in Helsinki. Guests were supposed to experience the Nordic tradition with a special drink and be served quickly. The idea for the Lonkero was born. The Lonkero is the perfect mix of gin and grapefruit tonic. We owe it to Scandinavian efficiency and visionary thinking.

And what does all this have to do with the MIN GIN LONG DRINK? We may not have taken part in the Olympic Games or led Vikings on their raids, but we live in Finland. And we have Austrian roots.

Our own story

Our story begins with two people who live in different countries. He is Finnish, she is Austrian. They are very similar and yet so different. But both are brave enough to dream. About the future, love and happiness. Two stories become one common one. Later it becomes the story of three people: Matti, Iris and their daughter Nina (MIN).

This is our story and our dream is to connect both countries and cultures by making what we love available to you too. The Finnish lifestyle meets Austrian craftsmanship tradition and the result is a product with which you can share great moments with your loved ones anytime and anywhere. And if we can give you one piece of advice, it is this: always be brave enough to dream, because everything starts with a dream!